Hi honey! We’re so glad you’re here.

Arthur's Honey is sourcing 100% Raw Manna Honey harvested by bees from the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania in Romania. From the distant land of Transylvania – Romania, comes our pure, natural raw manna honey. Our product is unfiltered, unpasteurized, unadulterated, Just as mother nature intended. Our Manna honey is sustainably harvested from the ancient virgin forests that engulf the Carpathian mountains of Transylvania, Romania. After we discovered this delicious and unique honey during our travels in Europe, we knew we had to bring it back home and share it with as many people as we could! We source our honey from a 3rd generation family of beekeepers dedicated to sustainable practices.

The name Transylvania is made from two Latin words, trans & silvana, they mean over the forest. Romania’s virgin forests represent up to 65 per cent of the virgin forests remaining in Europe, outside of Russia. Romania is also home to 60 per cent of Europe’s brown bear population.

This Manna Honey is different than your regular household honey, it’s truly an elevated version than what you’re used to picking up off of the shelves of your local supermarket. Our product is very nutrient dense and is an extremely tasty way to get vitamins and minerals into your system.

If you’re interested in carrying this product in your storefront, bakery, coffee shop, kitchen or restaurant, please don’t hesitate to reach out below!

Read below to find out what makes us different than other honey.

Thanks For Beeing Here! Allow us to introduce you to Arthur's Honey!

From this ancient land of beauty, mist, and legend we bring you a nectar close to divinity, the Manna Honey.

The leaves of the deciduous and coniferous trees emit a thick, sweet juice called manna, also known as honey dew. It is most common in oak, lime, willow, fir, and pine. An extremely important role in forming the manna plays the leaf lice that parasites the trees. They drill holes on the leaves, a sweet, sticky juice runs down out of them. The leaf lice, take up some of the liquid, enrich it with the enzymes from their digestive system and release it to the surface of the leaves in the form of valuable nutritional material called – manna. From this point on the bees start to play their part in the workflow. They collect the enriched with enzymes , manna, process it and produce the unique healing honey with it. The result is liquid gold with notes of baked fruits and caramel.

The gathering of manna honey depends on so many climatic and atmospheric circumstances that every drop of it comes to show us the miraculous power of nature and the special gifts she provides us with. Our Manna honey has a flavor of baked fruits & caramel and a very low content of pollen. It is rich in various minerals, amino acids, and vitamins. It constitutes a great boost for the immune system and could help the treatment of various diseases such as influenza, kidney, or liver diseases.